Hi fellow friends,
Since the government launch to use nuclear power plant in 2025(from article before, sources from TNB), many people attract to know about what inside nuclear power plant info, and what are the advantages and disadvantages using nuclear power plant to our country. Off course we will give you some info and I hope that you can appraise about this interesting topic.
For your information, nuclear energy has been contributing to 15% of the world’s energy today as can be seen in Figure below. Some nations rely heavily on nuclear, whereas others have a small proportion of nuclear in their total energy portfolio. France has the highest proportion of electricity produced by nuclear sources at a figure of more than 70%. Figure 2 shows the proportion of electricity generated via nuclear energy. There seem to be about 30 countries around the world with nuclear reactors with total capacity of 372,000 MW[1]. However, many Asian countries are still lagging behind developed nations in terms of nuclear power. So, what are the contributing factors behind this slow adoption of nuclear power?
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Nuclear electricity generation |
Below I will conclude about advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear power plant.
In order to determine the feasibility of nuclear power plants in Malaysia, we need to understand the local scenario. First of all, why didn’t we have nuclear plants in the past? A few analyses in the 70s and 80s were carried out, but the Malaysian Board of Energy, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) decided to build more gas plants following the rapid expansion of the oil and gas field. Now that gas prices are soaring, nuclear seems like a pretty good alternative. Another reason for sceptics to discount this source of energy at that point in time was due to two major nuclear power incidents in Three Mile and Chernobyl. The common cause of these two incidents is human error.
So, from our point of view, if we want to build nuclear power plant, for short term purposes, importing expatriates with the right skill sets can do the job. But in the long term, it is necessary to train people locally in order to sustain locally operated nuclear power plants.
I believe Malaysia too can have their own nuclear power plant like other countries but in order to achieve that they first have good experience professional in nuclear field.I suggest every university in Malaysia should specific course in nuclear field such as nuclear engineering which exposes students to nuclear technology and also to have safety courses related to nuclear field.In this way, Malaysia future plan of nuclear energy generation will be much more secure with effective manpower.
good thought...i also hope that our country will use nuclear power plant one day...=)
i agree that malaysia should have their own nuclear powerplant..yes,expertariats in this field from other countries is necessary at the early stage..as for long term commitment,the government and our local learning institutions must take the steps to expose our people to nuclear energy such as introducing nuclear engineering subjects in the universities..we dont have to get intimidated by the tragedy in chernobyl as such incident can be avoided if we conduct the nuclear power plant efficeintly
from my opinion, malaysia need nuclear energy in early 2021. From this blog http://nuke1010.blogspot.com/2010/10/what-if-by-2021-malaysia-doesnt-get.html I think it is true that the total amount of energy production wouldn't be enough to cope with the increasing amount of demand for electricity since the fossil fuel in the country is depleting if we wait till 2025.. just an opinion
muhammad fikri bin baharudin
In my opinion,yes a nuclear reactor should be in Malaysia.But not now.We Malaysians yet still didnt understand what is the nuclear is about.The functions.The effects.The affects.The only thing we know is Chernobyl.So here we should divert the Chernobyl to Hiroshima& Nagasaki(after years,Japan is second country in world).Yes we can survive.Human made it.So try to control it.And we can.& the Malaysians can!!
Thank you for this article. I'm looking forward to see the development of nuclear power plant in Malaysia. In my opinion, we should start to train local people in this field. This will ensure that we can start using nuclear energy as soon as possible.
The government should make more campaign to expose us about this type of energy. This will attract more people to support the installation of the nuclear power plant in Malaysia.
Muhammad Rafiuddin
wow! nice article!
as stated,one of the disadvantage of the nuclear power is the costs of building and commissioning a nuclear plant are very high. But, in my opinion this is an good investment to the future. Because,this type of power plant have higher efficiency of power generation compared by other type power plant. So, malaysia should start to sent our people country the leading the nuclear industry like france to study about the nuclear power!
just my opinion.
Mohd Shafiq Bin Idris
email: sapik_900906@yahoo.com
tq to all because give comment....
I still doubting the safety about the nuclear power plant in Malaysia. Maybe you guys can share about the requirement for a very own nuclear plant.
Normie Suhaida binti Ab Rasul
to normie...
i'll try to get some article about safety for you and all readers next time...=)
to all very clever readers, tq for supporting us and everybody have own opinion about nuclear power plant, so lets open our eyes to accept the reality of nuclear as power plant...tq...
to normie...
dont you ever doubt about the safety of nuclear reactor because they have enough experience about what have done in this nuclear world nowadays...
no pain no gain....
In my opinion, the toughest part to accomplish this is to train the people. As from the article, the 2 major accident is caused by human error. We must train all the operator, not only engineer to take the responsiblities for safety. We must change the saying "Malaysia has the first class facilities but 3rd class mentality".
In my opinion what Malaysia should do now is to send young engineers and technicians overseas to learn as soon as possible how to operate nuclear power plants. Besides from having investors in our economy to inject money in facilitating this project, public's awareness on nuclear power should be increased. Sadly people are still having skepticism on nuclear power after the chernobyl incident. However with vast promotions and education, adding up to state- of the art facilities compared to chernobyll's that incident can be avoided.
Zulfadhli Bin Zahudin
I have read an article from The Malay Mail,chairman of Malaysian Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) said that Malaysia is ready to operate its own nuclear power plant as it has enough qualified manpower.
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) itself had already produced about 900 graduates in nuclear science,includes masters and PhD's holders.Means,Malaysia itself have expertise and experience to run a nuclear power plant.
I can conclude that our mission to have its own nuclear power plant will become a reality,first by 2020.
EMEL: jeff_kyo90@yahoo.com
I agree with them, no doubt that Malaysia already produce great technicians and engineers in nuclear field. Now, how about the location to place nuclear power plant so that it's really safe.
Forget about the cost, it is worth the price for reducing the pollution and green house gases. The decision to build a nuclear power plant will not bring immediate effect. If we dont implement it, 50 years from now our children or grandchildren will ask why dont we use nuclear energy at the 1st place. If the burning of coal and fuel gas keeps leading the worlds electricity generation, the pollution keeps growing, earth getting warmer and warmer, and who knows how could the earth be in 50 years.
And yes, we cant depends on foreign experts to do this. For a short terms, it is good, but for a long term, we need MALAYSIAN experts.
just my 2 cent!
Muhammad Naim Bin Zulkifli
I agree with them, no doubt that Malaysia already produce great technicians and engineers in nuclear field.
Now, how about the location to place nuclear power plant so that it's really safe.
(sorry sir,forgot to place my name n email)
name: Mohamad`Adif Bin Jemarin
email: ucukadif@yahoo.com
Hi friends,i agree with all of u..this is because since a small country like Japan can develop a nuclear power plant on their own,why can't we make it?
i agree if the nuclear power use to generate electricity in future. this is because oil and gas is limited and will finish in couple of years coming,while nuclear power we can always generate it. but in order to make those nuclear power reactor,the government have to consider lots of things such as cost,place to build the nuclear reactor. this is not easy decision as in our country itself,we are were exposed to so many development nowdays. with a population increased, we need to explore more places to develop it and make it comfortable to all citizen. the question is malaysia already prepare to have nuclear reactor?if yes,where the best place should the reactor build? does this reactor safe to its citizen?? if the TNB cable can be stolen,i dont get suprise if the main source to make the nuclear can be stolen too for personal interest.
Ahmad Adam bin Mohd Rozain
in my opinion, it's still in progress and a lot more research have to be done...but, i hear rumors that will be place in Bakong, Sarawak...but, still in progress(correct me if i'm wrong)... tq...
in my opinion, a lot of malaysian didn't know about the good side of having nuclear reactor that can generate electricity. the government should do a lot of campaign that can make rakyat realize about the the advantage of having nuclear generator in the long term.
Nor 'Azman B Zubir
ME 083614
Seriously speaking that Malaysia should go for nuclear power plant since its needed to meet the country's accelerating energy needs and ensured its energy security for the future. Good job friends. :-)
Good satistics and pictures shown for easy understanding. For now, a serious no. Malaysians do not have the skills needed to operate a nuclear power plant. People will say "Yes, we can hire someone outside to supervise and guide us". That one also needs time and a lot of money to maintain both the power plant and supporting more international labours. As can be seen above, most of the countries operating majorly on nuclear energy are small, comparing land to man ratio. That's the primary reason and everyone knows Malaysia is a big country compared to France, Ukraine and Japan. And also our technologies and development are not as strong as them. It can be done in the future definitely, slowly growing in the time of 20 or 30 years.
hey everyone!
I want power plant for Malaysia!There is no reason why we must worried about the Radiation.
*0.09 milirem of radiation from Power Plant!
*Sikit jer!!hehe
I disagree on the point of implementing nuclear energy for the short term basis by bringing in expatriates. cause with even expatriates, its still a serious issue to consider concerning with the safety issue. We would not want incidents like the Three Mile or Chernobyl happening again. However, i do agree on training people locally to maintain the nuclear power plants in the near foreseeable future for Malaysia.
Good information with the statistics.
Lim Sze Yoong
Hi,it is a nice article. I would like to give some comments. Most people nowadays consider about money. My question is do Malaysia has a very high job opportunity to the locals in nuclear power plants or jobs that contribute to nuclear if we build the power plant in Malaysia? How about the income? Also,think about the cost to make and construct the power plant. If we started to use the nuclear as our energy source,will it be cheap at the beginning? Because if the consumer found that it is cheaper to use the other source of energy rather than nuclear power,it would be a trouble to the nuclear power because people will not demand on that energy source. they will prefer the cheapest one and nuclear power will not get any benefit at the final.
Amiro Iqbal Bin Mohd Aminudin
Its is great to have our own nuclear power plant. But what I'm really worried about nuclear power plant is the safety issues arise in term of terrorist attack. Let say if someday there is group of terrorist hijacked an aircraft and crashed it into a nuclear reactor. That would be catastrophe.
my opinion, nuclear technology is a clean and safe technology. catastrophe accidents like three mile and chernobyl can be avoided by reducing "human errors". how can we reduce this risk? we could contribute our services to our country by being good technicians and engineers in this nuclear field.
well definately Malaysia is capable of having its own nuclear power plant and its is a must as well. But in order to have a nuclear power plant, they must have a specialised team working on its advantages and disadvantages. tHis is because in setting up a nuclear plant takes lots of effort and require lots of cash. So if we encounter in a failure in the process of setting up the power plant, we would lost tons of money and will be in the hands of other countries for help.
Therefore Malaysia should start to get more specialised team. Bring in professional from other countries that have already implemented nucleur power plant as guide. as what amreet told above, ministry of education must nw introduce a subject where it teaches the need of energy conversation and the importance of nucleur plant plus the ways to improve the usage of nucleur power plant. not only in universities but may be in secondary school is also wise. They must be exposed roughly in order for them to have a solid knowledge about nuclear.
It is good if Malaysia have nuclear power plant. Nuclear power plants use the amazing power of the atom to generate electricity with a very low fuel cost and much less pollution than fossil fuel plants. However, the planning, building, and operating of a nuclear power plant is a long, costly, and very complex process. The most important thing in nuclear power plant is nuclear waste. this nuclear waste must be managed properly.
I'd say Yes, if the risks and nuclear waste factor is addressed. Then I see no issue here.
At the same time it would Malaysia's interest to go Hydroelectrical. The cost is relatively cheaper, then continously purchasing uranium. It's essentially eco-friendly and safer.
From my view, Malaysia can run a nuclear power plant. It is because since gas prices are soaring, nuclear seems like a pretty good alternative. But,in short term purposes, importing expatriates with the right skill sets can do the job. But in the long term, it is necessary to train people locally in order to sustain locally operated nuclear power plants.
in my opinion,our goverment have to start improving the nuclear power plant in educational view by organizing campaign and motivation.The nuclear subject have to publish to student to get them familiar to that subject.At the end ,the main purpose is our country must have a intelligent engineers and scientisc to overcome the problem that might can be happen in the future.
SathisKumar Kanesan
Hello just to ad the nanthar comment earlier .it is in fact a good idea to exposed the knowledge of the nuclear power plant to the student.But rather than introducing it as a subject it will be a better choice if we think of some other way.Perhaps we could achieve the motif by giving a talk in the school or select one particular month as the power plant month and expose the student on all the related knowledge .vimalan a/l genasan .vimalan_12@yahoo.com
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