Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Control Rods

Hey buddies, we meet again!! :D
Today, I want to describe what I have learned during the class hour about control rods.

First of all, most of the reactor is containing the Control Rods. There are five types of material used for CRs:
1.      Silver, Ag
2.      Indium, In
3.      Cadmium, Cd
4.      Boron, B
5.      Hafnium, Hf

There are 3 purposes of Control Rods :
1.      Shim rods
Ø  It is a coarse control and also work to remove the ρ in relatively large amounts.

2.      Regulating rods
Ø  This rods is a fine control and adjustment which to maintain the desired power or temperature.

3.      Safety rods
Ø  This type of rod is provided for a very fast shutdown in the event of an unsafe condition. This rods work like a SCRAM, Safety Control Rod Axe Man and turned to fast shutdown.
PWR control rod assembly


fahmee said...

how the shim rod works actually in term of removing the ρ..??

Muhammad Fahmi bin Abd Talib
ME 083597
section 06A

Farhan Salleh said...

tq to that question...i"ll try my best to answer that question...

actually, shim rods are designed to compensate for the effects of burnup for example energy production.

Reactivity changes resulting from burnup can be large, but they occur slowly over periods of days to years, as compared to the seconds-to-minutes range over which safety actions and routine regulation take place.

Therefore, shim rods may control a significant amount of reactivity, but they will work...


atan said...
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Nadia Aaron said...


would you say that the material used is a smart material? and why we used that type of materials?

izzatun nadia binti harun

Farhan Salleh said...

to nadia aaron, very smart question...

for your information, type of materials use for control rod is chemical elements with a sufficiently high capture cross section for neutrons such as materials as we state above, silver, indium, and cadmium..

why we choose these materials?

It is because the choice of materials is influenced by the:-
1)energy of neutrons in the reactor
2)their resistance to neutron-induced swelling 3)the required mechanical and lifetime properties.

i hope that i answer your question...tq...

Unknown said...

Great conversation.

Thirukumaran Ramasamy said...

can you explain in detail under which circumstances the safety rods would be come into action and how reliable it is in an emergency condition?
Thirukumaran a/l Ramasamy Chettear

Unknown said...

instead of using this 5 materials,
does it have other materials that we can use?

Alif Shahzuan bin Shahril(me086293)

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